Efektivitas Modul Elektronik Fisika Berbasis Experiential Learning Berbantuan Smartphone terhadap Peningkatan Kompetensi peserta Didik

Nurul Fadieny, Ahmad fauzi, Widya Widya, Riza Andriani, Amam Taufiq Hidayat


This study is part of development research using the Plomp model in the assessment phase, namely the effectiveness test. The goal to be achieved is to see the effectiveness of the physics electronics module based on experiential learning assisted by smartphone in increasing student competency. Data collection in this study was carried out using three instruments: the attitude competency instrument in the form of self-assessment, the knowledge competency instrument in the form of a test with 25 multiple-choice questions, and the skills competency instrument in the form of a performance assessment rubric. The research results for knowledge competence are seen in classical completeness and knowledge competence improvement. The students' classical completeness reached 94% and the N-gain score was 0.83 with high criteria. In attitude competence, the average attitude is 86.88% with very good criteria. In skills competency, an average score of 85.08% of students' skills is obtained with very good criteria. Based on the three competency data results, it can be concluded that the physics electronics module based on experiential learning assisted by a smartphone is effectively used in Physics learning to improve student competence


Experiential Learning; Physics Electronics Module; Smartphone; Student Competence.

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