Meningkatkan Kemampuan Dribbling dalam Permainan Sepak Bola Pada Siswa Kelas VIIID Melalui Penerapan Gaya Mengajar Divergent di SMPN 11 Muaro Jambi

Mardani Mardani


The purpose of this research is to find out about the increasing of dribbling skills at SMPN 11 Muaro Jambi and know the style teaching divergent can increase ability technique basic dribbling of students at SMPN 11 Muaro Jambi in the game football. This research is categorized as the classroom action research. The sample of the research is student class VIIID with amount 24 students (Total Sampling). The methods used in this research was action class, with Pre-Test, Test, Cycle I, Test Cycle II. The result of this research showed that the application of the Divergent Style Learning Model is capable to increase students learning outcomes of class VIIID SMPN 11 Muaro Jambi. It can be seen from the results of learning achieved through giving test such as Pre-Test, Cycle I, and Cycle II. In the learning process in the Pre-Test with amount student a total of 24, there are 3 students passed or 20%, 8 students passed or 40% in cycle I, and 22 students passed or 91,66% in cycle II. In addition, the Divergent Style Method can increase students learning outcomes on the material learning dribbling techniques in student class VIIID SMPN 11 Muaro Jambi.


Divergent, dribbling, football

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