Hubungan Membaca Pemahaman Teks Cerpen Dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Cerpen Siswa Kelas XI SMA Kota Padang

Uli Wahyuni, Elvina A Saibi, Fitra Afrida Amna


This study aims to examine the relationship between reading comprehension of short story texts and short story writingskills in students. Reading comprehension is a very important skill in the process of learning language and literature, becausethrough reading, students can understand the structure, theme, and style of language used in short story texts. On the other hand,writing skills are a form of expression that shows the extent to which students are able to internalize and reproduce the elementsthey have learned through reading. This study uses a quantitative approach with a correlational survey method to analyze dataobtained from a number of high school students in several schools in Padang. The sample of this study consisted of 100 studentswho were selected randomly. The research instruments used included a short story reading comprehension test and a short storywriting skills test. The reading comprehension test includes questions that test students' abilities in understanding the storyline,characterization, theme, and use of language in short stories. While the writing skills test assesses students' abilities in creatingshort stories that are coherent, original, and in accordance with the rules of short story writing. The results of the study showed asignificant positive relationship between reading comprehension of short story texts and short story writing skills. Data analysisshows that students who have a good understanding of short story texts tend to have better short story writing skills compared tostudents with low reading comprehension. In detail, it was found that aspects of comprehension such as understanding the plotand characterization have a greater contribution to short story writing skills, compared to other aspects such as understanding the theme and style of language. This study also revealed that reading comprehension of short story texts not only affects writingskills in terms of structure and plot, but also affects creativity and originality in writing short stories. Students who understandshort story texts better tend to be better able to develop creative ideas and produce more interesting and in-depth stories. Theimplications of this study indicate that teaching reading comprehension of short story texts in schools should be given moreattention and improved, considering its significant impact on students' short story writing skills. Teachers are expected to providemore opportunities for students to engage in reading activities and discussions of short story texts, as well as provide constructivefeedback to improve their writing skills. In addition, this study also suggests that special training be held for teachers to teacheffective techniques in developing reading comprehension and writing short stories. Overall, this study confirms the importanceof integration between reading and writing activities in language and literature teaching, and encourages efforts to improve thequality of learning in this area. By understanding the relationship between reading comprehension of short story texts and shortstory writing skills, it is hoped that students can achieve higher competence in the field of literature and be able to expressthemselves better through writing.


Reading Comprehension, Writing Short Story Texts

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